Wealth Management - Global Capital Markets

Geoeconomics - Global Macroeconomics - Geostrategy

Future Scenario - Risk Prevention


GeoCapital Economics has been established beginning of 2014 as Scientific Think Tank and Strategic Advisory on the fields below by its Principal and CEO Dr. Thomas C. Heynen. GeoCapital Economics advises on Economic and Financial Solutions for profiteering from yielding Investments. For qualified Clients, we facilitate bank secured Private Placement, Buy and Sell Programs. Place your request.


  • Wealth Management and Global Capital Markets
  • Investment Banking and Finance
  • Specialist Banking and Private Placement
  • Corporate Finance and Private Banking
  • Project Development and Funding 
  • Facilitation of Financial Transactions


As Scientific Think Tank GeoCapital Economics is providing its Clients Specialist Guidance in challenging Competitive Advantage, Market Leadership and Sustainability initiating profitable Growth, Economic Development and improving Economies of Scale. Find out by contacting us.


  • Scientific Research and Strategic Analyses
  • Economic Intelligence and Strategic Management
  • Geostrategic Economics and Geoeconomics
  • Strategy of Economic Spaces and Policy Formulation
  • Global Macroeconomics and Qualitative Analysis
  • Future Scenario and Risk Prevention


As Think Tank GeoCapital Economics functions as methodical and critical interface between Decision Making, Synthesizing and Analyzing changing Variables and Managing the Complexity of World Markets and Regions, Economic and Political Spaces, and Systems. Their endowments are decisively determining the 'Economies of Scales' of the global and regional economic systems and their transformation towards profit related areas. Constant changes will unfold and create Scenario Futures resulting in the GeoCapital Economics Cloud Strategy as basis for decision making.

These Economic Systems and Political Organisms, Influential Regimes and Intensified Indebtedness at global scale are defining the Geostrategic Dimension of Economic Spaces and International Relations as well as Management Methods towards Competitive Advantage, Market Leadership and Sustainability initiating Profitable Growth and Economic Development. This can be achieved with aligned Strategy and Policy Formulation, Qualitative Macroeconomic Analysis, Scenario Futures & Risk Assessments of particular Business Sectors, specific Local and Regional Markets towards their Valuation as Profit related Areas and Productive Economic Space, Investment Potential and required Risk Prevention.

Last is achieved in particular for our High End Clients by Advisory on Global Macroeconomics and Capital Markets, Private & Investment Banking, Finance & Funding and Project Evaluation & Development, and Wealth Management through Facilitation of Bank secured Private Placements within the Banking System. Linked to updated information, GeoCapital Economics is providing latest stage of global and regional markets.


Dr. Thomas C. Heynen 

Principal and CEO of GeoCapital Economics

GeoCapital Economics

Mission Statement and Vision


We are highlighting leading global trends of which we think that they are identifying future strategic challenges for navigating and shaping the world, its economies, cultures and investors' mind capitalizing on knowledge and leadership through excellence in scientific and real world analysis of global and regional markets, meeting the competitive edge by leveraging visions and expertise, ideas and strategies, and creativity towards a world as yielding market place enhancing and sustaining wealth, live quality and human living conditions of political, economic and cultural space.


Therewith shaping the world, where intellectual strength and human quality, asset and value creation, and achievements are ultimate goals of an open mind capitalizing on imaginative thinking and methods, knowledge and leadership for meeting clients financial target, and leveraging visions and enlightening Ideas, Knowledge and Expertise towards a World as yielding Market Place enhancing human conditions and live quality.

Bank of International Settlement   


Low rates risk destablising world economy

It added that a "persistent easing bias" by fiscal, monetary and prudential policymakers had lulled governments "into a false sense of security" that delayed needed consolidation and created a risk that instability could "entrench itself" in the system. "Policy does not lean against the booms but eases aggressively and persistently during busts," the BIS said. "This induces a downward bias in interest rates and an upward bias in debt levels, which in turn makes it hard to raise rates without damaging the economy – a debt trap.

"Systemic financial crises do not become less frequent or intense, private and public debts continue to grow, the economy fails to climb onto a stronger sustainable path, and monetary and fiscal policies run out of ammunition. Over time, policies lose their effectiveness and may end up fostering the very conditions they seek to prevent."

Source:  The Telegraph By Szu Ping Chan 11:30AM BST 29 Jun 2014


Total World Debt Load at 313% of GDP


By Sudeep Reddy

$223.3 trillion: The total indebtedness of the world, including all parts of the public and private sectors, amounting to 313% of global gross domestic product.
Advanced economies tend to draw attention for their debt at the government and household levels. But emerging markets are gathering debt at an increasing pace to drive their economic development.


World Bank / IMF - Economic Policy and Debt

 Market Capitalisation - Emerging Markets

Currently, emerging country capital markets remain underdeveloped relative to the size of their economies accounting for only 22 per cent of global equity market capitalisation, however, Credit Suisse has forecasted that by 2030, this will increase to 39 per cent.
The research also forecasted that China’s equity market will overtake the UK and Japan in 2030 to become the second largest market with a USD 54 trillion capitalisation and a weight of 19 per cent, while the US will remain the largest equity market with a USD 98 trillion capitalisation trillion and a weight of 35 per cent.

Source: Emerging capital markets set to double

The Global Competitiveness Index 2015-2016